One Small Step

The name clearly spells the intent of this pilot project. One Small Step is an attempt to visualise the impact of innocuous everyday actions on issues that have larger consequence on the planet.

Early on in this project, we opted for a positive, action-orientated approach, to counter the alienating impact of large scale projections and dire prophecies about environmental concerns. We also chose young children (aged 7-12 years) as the primary audience for this piece, since they are open, optimistic and can be perseverant influencers within their peer group.

Trying to find ways to connect kids through games, activity kits and booklets.

After weeks of struggling to find the right way to connect with them and earn their attention, we finally decided on a short animated film, focussing on water and the magnitude of individual actions, when viewed cumulatively.


Initial storyboarding.


Detailing out elements for the urban landscape.

A great deal of effort has been put into creating a narrative that kids in urban cities can relate to, and in building the magnification of impact in a manner that is not alienating or guilt-inducing, but instead hinges on positive and relatable results of water conservation. While the film is based in urban India, the universality of the action and issue, make it relevant for a wider urban audience as well.


Character explorations.


Illustration style exploration.

The film is currently in its final stages of completion, with the first edited cut on the table. The next big challenges ahead include sound design, and funding support to allow us to engage professional support for the final cut and a hindi language version. Once finished, the film will be available for viewing and sharing on the internet. It can serve as a resource for parents and educators to initiate larger discussions on environmental responsibility. This film is the first in the series of interventions that will engage children on the potential of small actions.

Frames from the final animation.

This film was developed as part of the graduation project by final year graphic design student Reuben D’Silva from the National Institute of Design. Sustainability advocate Harsh Purohit helped us early on in this project with his advice on how how to use familiarity to engage children on such serious issues. Illustrator and animator, Priya Kuriyan has been our go-to-person for inspiration, advice and technical help, especially as this is our first foray into animation. Aside from the finer points of film-making, she encouraged us to use our strength as graphic designers while making the film. A detailed documentation of the project and film will be shared on this website in the next few weeks.